
Welcome to my website! My name is Jon Christian Lassleben.
I am passionate about technology and help people solve problems in the field.

For me, it is a labor of love and I do not set a price tag. I work according to my gut feeling.

Eventually I want to turn this website into a portfolio and otherwise a blog to share information that I like. For the time being I will focus on the latter and mock up this website for the web development subject of the course I partake in at ESAT.

Example Projects

Let me briefly mention a couple projects I have worked with in the past:

Game Engines, Graphics & I/O libraries

  • EDK, ESAT’s proprietary graphics & I/O library based on OpenGL (C/C++). Remaking classic arcade videogames.
  • SFML (C/C++). Porting games from EDK to open–source graphics libraries such as SFML.
  • PICO–8 (Lua). Demonstrating graphical computing and maths.
  • Unity (C#). Practicing modern high–level game development.

Remaking “Asteroids” by Atari

Reference implementation: ATARI 80 CLASSIC GAMES IN ONE
At ESAT, students start learning how to program and develop videogames by cloning or remaking arcade classics.


In my free time I helped out a couple people with IT–related problems.

IT Consulting
Helping people pick the right tools to solve IT–related problems.
Server Setup
Helping people set up servers (be it dedicated or on a VPS) to host online services of any kind (e.g.: Discord Bots, Game Servers, private clouds).
Hands–On Training
Teaching people how to make the most of their computers and other digital devices.
For example: teaching people how to use Linux, development tools… and even more mundane things such as how to use a smartphone properly or office workflow.



Enumeration–Indexed Arrays

One particularly useful pattern I like to use is indexing arrays with enums.

The problem I had at one point was that I needed to initialize and later free a series of named sprites.
I initially placed these sprites in a struct and had to access them as struct members; this is tedious and does not lend itself to iteration. After thinking about it, I realized that I needed a means to convert unique names to numbers, which an enumeration does.

struct {
  Sprite player;
  Sprite enemy;
  Sprite background;

// Initialize
sprites.player = LoadSprite(somedata);
sprites.enemy = LoadSprite(otherdata);
sprites.background = LoadSprite(moredata);


// Release

typedef enum {
  kSprite_Player = 0,

SpriteInfo const kSpriteInfo[kSprite_Count] = {

Sprite sprites[kSprite_Count];

// Initialize
for (int i=0; kSprite_Count > i; ++i) {
  sprites[i] = LoadSprite(kSpriteInfo[i]);


// Release
for (int i=0; kSprite_Count > i; ++i) {

In this case, the hard–coded example is shorter. However, the loop version scales better and is shorter when there are more items.

Variable–Length Structures

One useful albeit quirky pattern in C are variable–length structs.
A simple example would be if you wanted to create a list of strings. Traditionally, you would allocate memory for the node header— then separately allocate memory for the content; with this approach however you get both with a single memory allocation.
This could reduce fragmentation.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>

// Variable-Length with Pointer
typedef struct {
  int somecooldata;
  char *description;

VariableStructWithPtr* VariableStructWithPtr_Init(
  const int data,
  const char * const comment
) {

  assert(NULL != comment);

  const size_t comment_len = strlen(comment);
  VariableStructWithPtr * const result = (VariableStructWithPtr*) malloc(
    comment_len + sizeof *result

  if (NULL != result) {
    result->somecooldata = data;
    result->description = (char*) result + 1;
    strcpy(result->description, comment);

  return result;

// Variable-Length with Zero-Width Array
typedef struct {
  int somecooldata;
  char description[]; // or [0]

VariableStructWithZeroWidthArr* VariableStructWithZeroWidthArr_Init(
  const int data,
  const char * const comment
) {

  assert(NULL != comment);

  const size_t comment_len = strlen(comment);
  VariableStructWithZeroWidthArr * const result =
    (VariableStructWithZeroWidthArr*) malloc(
      comment_len + sizeof *result

  if (NULL != result) {
    result->somecooldata = data;
    strcpy(result->description, comment);

  return result; 

To create a variable–length structure, you need to allocate enough memory for the base structure, plus extra memory for the variable–length part. Then, you treat these nodes as pointers.

In that example, there are fields of different types

Web APIs

Web APIs are a kind of API (Application Programming Interface) that enable programmatically interacting with services provided via web technologies.

The most basic use of a Web API is to query an online database (in the semantic sense, just a service that stores information); this can be extended to also modify said information and can be used to handle user authentication, asset retrieval and really anything that benefits from using data from the internet.

One of the most widespread used kinds of Web APIs are RESTful APIs which use the HTTP application layer to transmit XML or JSON encoded hierarchical data.
There are other kinds of Web API technologies, such as GraphQL.


To name a few example APIs:

Some APIs will allow you to anonymously use them, for free; others will require registring for an API key and some of those will demand payment.

Here is an example of the Japanese–English dictionary API from Jisho:

  "meta": {
    "status": 200
  "data": [
      "slug": "恋",
      "is_common": true,
      "jlpt": [
      "japanese": [
          "word": "恋",
          "reading": "こい"
      "senses": [
          "english_definitions": [
            "(romantic) love"

This data is JSON–encoded, which is one of the data formats that drive the modern web.
Born by the need to encode, store and transmit JavaScript objects, parsers and compilers for it have been implemented in basically any high–level programming language, and doing so is not particularly challenging.

This data can easily be accessed in JavaScript. One can use the .json() method on fetch objects or directly JSON.parse() on the text.
Then, each key can be accessed as an attribute of the resulting object.
For example:[0].slug + ": " +[0].senses[0].english_definitions[0]
> "恋: (romantic) love"


One of the things students learn during their first year at ESAT is how to transform points with matrices. Basic operations such as scaling, rotating and translating (moving); and how to combine them.

For the time being, I implemented a couple basic examples in PICO–8.
Until I embed the PICO–8 player, I recommend using the free PICO–8 Education Edition and dragging these “cartridges” into the player to load them.
Warning: Do not execute these programs if you suffer from epilepsy!

PICO–8 Demo about drawing regular polygons. Another PICO–8 Demo about drawing regular polygons, but static. PICO–8 Demo about drawing a circle with Pythagoras. PICO–8 Demo about iterative use of transformations. PICO–8 Demo about transformation inheritance. Basic example of a vector graphics spaceship with border wrapping and inertia.